The Chosen doubles down on defense of Mormons in Allen Parr interview / Parr doesn't push back
Moore's Corner Church
"The Anointing" (Sermon)
What does it mean to be Reformed?
Revelation 10 & 11 - The Abomination of Desolation, The Rebuilt Temple & The Two Witnesses
Limbo & The Age of Accountability
The Pilgrims, Nominal Christianity & The Great Awakening
Steven Furtick Takes Issue w/ Something in the Bible
Take Up Your Cross (Sermon)
Did Jesus Have to Be Born Again in Hell? (MacArthur & Sproul vs Copeland, Meyer & Hinn)
Locusts From the Bottomless Pit - Revelation 9
John MacArthur Issues Public Statements on Alistair Begg "Gay Wedding" Controversy / Blasts TGC
Trampolines, Kicking Bibles & Whisky Worship Songs - The Fruit of The Seeker Sensitive Movement 🔥
The Puritans, King James, Bloody Mary & The Westminster Confession & Catechism
Get Behind Me Satan (Sermon)
Steven Furtick / Revives "Little gods" Doctrine Taught by Kenneth Copeland & Paul Crouch of TBN
Revelation 8 - The Wrath of God / Trumpet Judgments
"The Messed Up Church" (Testing The Spirits Podcast - Episode # 71)
Actor / "Apostle" Kathryn Krick Playing the Role of "Female Jesus" (A Cult in the Making)
2nd Generation Reformer John Calvin & THE FIVE POINTS OF CALVINISM
Three Steps Forward, Two Steps Back (Sermon)
The Word For The World - Apologetics Conference - Day 2 Evening
The 144,000 (Revelation 7)
Not Backing Down from a Fight
A message to Alistair Begg defenders
Luther's 95 Theses & The True Gospel
Compassion vs Compromise (Sermon)
The Wrath of The Lamb (Revelation 5 & 6)
Shepherds Conference Drops Alistair Begg after Conversation w/ John MacArthur
Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation
Alistair Begg Sermon Review "Compassion vs Condemnation" - Response to "Trans-Wedding" Advice
The Alistair Begg Debacle & Would Jesus Attend A "Gay Wedding"?
Alistair Begg Responds to Controversy / Phil Johnson Weighs In - Shepherds Conference 2024?
"The Syrophoenician Woman" (Sermon)
The Church in Heaven (Revelation 4)
American Family Radio Kicks Alistair Begg off the Air After He Doubles Down on LGBT Wedding Remarks
Forerunners of the Reformation / The Pre-Reformers (Waldensians / Wycliffe / Huss)
The False Gospel of the Roman Catholic Church
"The Commandments of Men" (Sermon)
Christian leaders respond to Alistair Begg saying people should attend "Trans Weddings"
The Lukewarm Church - Letter to the Laodiceans (Revelation 3:14-22)
Was THE FLOOD Global or Local? TGC Member Advocates We Compromise 2 Improve Witness & Bring Unity
Pope Says Hell Is Empty / Alistair Begg Compromises on "Gay Marriage"?
The Death of Doctrine
The Early Middle Ages, The Crusades & The Rise of Scholasticism
"Jesus Walking on The Water" (Sermon)
Rapture Prophecy? Letter to Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13)
Church of Christ / Is it a Cult?
Witchcraft on Primetime TV / Fox News sinks 2 a new low trying 2 discern 2024 election Trump & Biden
Righteous Indignation
Pastor Turns Church Service into Dance Club w/vile Rap Song (Swag Surfing) "Bishop" William Murphy
Cessationism vs Continuationism
The Dead Church - Letter to Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6)
Teaching vs Preaching
The Great Schism, The Rise of Islam & The Beginning of the Crusades
Basic Apologetics (12/31/2023)
The Corrupt Church - Letter to Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-29)
4 Major World Religions (Islam, Judaism, Hinduism & Buddhism)
Church Councils & Controversies
Part 2 - Kingdom of the Cults (Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, 7th Day Adventism & Christian Science)
Is God Still Speaking Today?