N.T. Wright Trashes American Christians Because of How We Vote / Gun Ownership
Moore's Corner Church
Genesis 1
How To Prepare a Sermon or Bible Study
Baptism & The Holy Spirit (Sermon 9/1/2024)
The Attributes of God & The Agenda to Feminize the Almighty
The King James Only Movement - A Fair & Balanced Review
Andy Stanley Says Political & Theological Diversity Makes the Church Stronger
When To Leave a Church? (John MacArthur & RC Sproul)
"Evangelicals for Harris" Use Billy Graham In New TV Commercial
Fairness vs God's Grace - The Parable of the Vineyard Workers
The Church of Tim Walz teaches a non-binary God / Jesus Had Two Dads (Kamala Harris pick for VP)
Catholic Mass / Re-Sacrificing Jesus HAPPENING AT SOULFEST - Greenfield MA- John MacArthur Responds
Spiritual Warfare
New Website: Evangelicals for Harris
The Importance of God Centered Music
How To Discern God's Will
Why My Church Will Not Be Supporting SOULFEST
The Leftist Agenda of TGC & The Shepherds for Sale Controversy / Gavin Ortlund on Climate Change
Finishing The Race (Faith - Part V)
Cheap Grace
The Definition of a False Prophet (Deuteronomy 18)
A Different Take on the Olympic Opening Ceremony in Paris / Mockery of the Last Supper
Forsaking The World (Faith - Part IV)
Olympics Attack Christianity During Opening Ceremony in Paris - Trans / Drag Queen Last Supper
Ben Carson & Franklin Graham Declare US Constitution is Inspired by God?
Difference Between False Teachers & False Prophets (2 Peter 2)
Pagan Deity Declared The "One True God" At Republican National Convention 2024
GTY Comments on Trump Assassination Attempt - Steve Lawson from John MacArthur's Pulpit
Father Abraham (Faith - Part III)
Trump Advisor Robert Jeffress Church Burns Days After Assassination Attempt - FIRST BAPTIST DALLAS
Decreeing & Declaring - How to Pray and How NOT to Pray
Christians & Secular Entertainment - To What Degree Should We Avoid / Partake?
Is Brandon Biggs a Prophet? Predicts Trump Shooting on Video in March - "Bullet flew by his ear"
Something Isn't Right! The Failed Assassination of President Trump & Churches Lack of Response
A Different Take on "Legalism"
Without Faith It Is IMPOSSIBLE To Please God (Faith - Part II)
Andy Stanley Disrespects First Baptist Atlanta / Father's Ministry? Made People Cynical & Critical
The Substance of Things Hoped For (What is Faith? New Sermon Series - Part I)
The Imprecatory Psalms & Bible Verses That Say God Hates People
Andy Stanley Defends Female Pastors / Rick Warren vs SBC - Claims to be Conservative LOL
My Trip to Cult Country
Truth in an Obscure Culture
What is Christian Nationalism?
Robert Morris affirms Mormons as brothers in Christ - Steps down from ministry - Too little too late
Jesus Included Everyone? “He Gets Us” Posts False Gospel at Angels Game (Universalism)
The Bad Theology of American's Biggest Pastor
The Exclusivity of Christ
More on Tony Evans / Is His Trans-Dispensationalism Doctrine the Same as Billy Graham's Wider Mercy?
Should Christians get into prepping / How to prepare for the return of Jesus?
Jesus was flawed & doesn't care how you live? THE CHOSEN / Their version of Jesus for "Pride Month"
Trans-Dispensationalism / What About the Poor Innocent Native in the Jungle? (Tony Evans Steps Down)
Tony Evans steps down / What did he teach? John MacArthur responds to Trans-Dispensationalism error
The Rich Young Ruler
The Danger of "Side B Theology"
Sodom & Gomorrah
Is Spanking Biblical / Spare Not the Rod?
UPDATE! Voddie Baucham, Glenn Beck & FEARLESS ARMY ROLL CALL 2.0 vs Protestia
Of Such Is The Kingdom
The Book of Obadiah