Perseverance of the Saints
Unconditional Election
Irresistible Grace
Matt Slick vs Dr. Sam Waldron: Does the Bible teach that the charismatic gifts are for today?
Did God die on the cross
Salvation Message, Matt Slick Live, Radio, Sept 23 2015
Debate: Matt Slick vs. Shadid Lewis, Is Jesus the God man?
Mormon Conversation- Manti Pageant 2015
The Hip Hop Culture
What is Christian Rap?
When did Christian Rap Begin?
Matt Slick Live- Debate with Lou Rugg on Calvinism
Manti Mormon Miracle Pageant 2014
Matt Slick Live - Double Predestination
Matt Slick Live - Discussion with a Jehovah's Witness
Examining Islam
Matt Slick Live - Basic Christian Doctrine
Conversation on Evangelism
Matt Slick Live- What About Holy Hip Hop?
What is the Sinner's Prayer?
Are All Christians Called to Evangelize?
The Fruit of Evangelism
Using the Law in Evangelism
What is Evangelism?
Interview with Georges Houssney
Matt Slick vs Tim Kernan
Boise, Idaho Temple rededication with Matt Slick and others
Matt Interviews a Jehovah's Witnesses at Boise State
Young Life Leader Learns the Gospel
Witnessing to Mohammed the Muslim
Matt Slick's Conversations with Unbelievers
Matt Slick Interviews Mormons, Manti, 2012
Matt Slick, Manti Utah, 2012 Interview Mormons
Islam and the Crucifixion of Jesus
CARM Interview with Dr. Jason Lisle
Passing Out 180 Movie DVD's
Conversation with the author of "The Shack"
Mormonism and the Corruption of the Bible
Myths about the Lost Books of the New Testament
Is the Easter Story of Jesus' Resurrection True?
Does the Gospel of Peter belong in the New Testament?
Reasons why the Apocrypha does not belong in the Bible
Did Paul think Jesus was God?
Did Paul receive the Gospel from man or not?
Where did Paul get his authority?
What did Jesus teach about the Old Testament?
Are there different levels of hell and degrees of sin?
Are we in hell right now on this earth?
Does Psalm 45:3-5 predict the coming of Muhammad?
Does John 14:16 predict the coming of Muhammad?
Does Deuteronomy 33:2 predict the coming of Muhammad?
Does Deuteronomy 34:10 predict the coming of Muhammad?
When to use Gospel Tracts in Evangelism
Signs of a Cult and Pastor Apollo Quiboloy
A Biblical Response to Pastor Quiboloy and His Teachings
A Summary of Pastor Apollo Quiboloy and His Teachings
Who is Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy?
What happens to babies or infants who die?
Were Adam and Eve Saved?
What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?