The Unbiblical Teaching of Jimmy Evans & How It Helped to Destroy Daystar Television Network
Moore's Corner Church
Jimmy Evans, Spiritual Abuse & The Real Problem w/ Daystar
Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s
Daystar Television Network Exposed!
John MacArthur Health Update & The Danger of Deep Fake & AI Generated Videos
"Pearls Before Swine"
Many Are Called but Few Are Chosen
Genesis 10 (The Nations Take Form)
Beware of "Big Eva"
What I Want
Steve Lawson update - G3 Ministries claims He was a member of Trinity / What is "Big Eva"?
Overcoming Discouragement
A Biblical Case Against Christian Involvement in Interfaith Worship Services
Is Church Membership Biblical / Necessary? Lessons From the Steve Lawson Scandal
Evangelicals Participating in Interfaith Services - My Reaction
The Absolute Sovereignty of God
Shocking New Revelations Regarding Steve Lawson & Trinity Bible Church - End Celebrity Christianity!
Genesis 9 (The Rainbow & God's Covenant Promise)
How Woke Is the Gospel Coalition? TGC25 -Part 2
Alistair Begg Joins David Platt & Other Woke Speakers for TGC Conference (Greear, Piper, Allberry)
The Cursing of a Nation
Joe Biden calls the majority of Evangelical voters garbage?
The Real David Platt & The Hijacking of McLean Bible Church (Documentary Review)
Part 2 - Charismatic Con Artists / Baby Kicked & Thrown Against Wall by Pentecostal Leader?
Charismatic Con Artists
Casting Crowns yokes w/ Roman Catholic Church (The Fest)
"Unity In the Church"
Genesis 8
Is Steve Lawson Saved?
The Conversion & Baptism of Russell Brand
Andy Stanley says Christians can deny ALL the miracles in the Bible, except two
John MacArthur Comments On Steve Lawson / Gives Health Update
Examining The Issues
Genesis 7
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer mocks the Lord's Supper while wearing Harris / Walz hat
Sola Scriptura vs Those who claim to hear God's voice (Steven Furtick, Rick Warren, Copeland etc)
God Loves a Cheerful Giver
Christians & Halloween 🎃🔪
The Problem with Joyce Meyer
Genesis 6
Worst thing I've ever heard from a pulpit?
Keeping Short Accounts & The Imminent Return of Christ
Easy Believism? Free Grace vs Lordship Salvation - John MacArthur vs Bob Wilkin
Genesis 5
Jesus Cleanses the Temple
Genesis 4
New Details Emerge / Are YouTubers Guilty of Gossip for Talking About Steve Lawson Scandal?
Chuck Swindoll Retires / He Fought Steve Lawson's Lordship Salvation Position w/ Free Grace
Andy Stanley Says the Church Must Be All Inclusive / Big Difference Between Biblical & Christlike
A Different Take on Steve Lawson Being Removed from Ministry
Genesis 3
Part 2 - Mike Winger Responds / Cessationism / Speaking in Tongues
Persistent Faith (Two Blind Men Receive Their Sight)
Mike Winger Says Cessationism Is Unbiblical & Extreme - Defends Modern Day Speaking in Tongues
"All religions are paths to reach God" - Pope Francis in Singapore / Religious Pluralism
Genesis 2
Posse Peccare / Posse Non Peccare
Responding to Alistair Begg Defenders (Stepping Down / Retirement Video)
Alistair Begg steps down from ministry
Embracing The Journey / Glory & Suffering