Atonement Debate, Heresies of The Church of Christ & Hyper-Preterism!
The Apologetic Dog
The Remnant?
Total Depravity and the "Church of Christ"
The Regulative Principle of Worship | w/@Wisdomforthechurch
How Does God Speak To Us? | Psalm 19
Church Fathers and Baptism
How To "Obey The Gospel" of Jesus Christ
BAPTISMAL REGENERATION & THE EARLY CHURCH w/ Dr. Tony Costa @tonycostatorontoapologetic5307
Debate Review w/ Paul Day!
The REMNANT | Malachi 3:13-18
The Debate that NEVER HAPPENED!
Does the Bible Teach: TOTAL DEPRAVITY? | Jeremiah Nortier vs Caleb Robertson
Has The Church Replaced Israel?
"Church of Christ" EXILE conversation with: Adam Carmichael @ThinkingTheologyYa
3 Powerful Reasons WHY the "Church of Christ" is a CULT!
Debate Review w/ THE FISHBONE: Water Baptism is Necessary?
The Kingdom of God | w/ Dr. Jeffrey Johnson
Jeremiah Nortier⧸Trey Fisher Vs Zachery Feinberg⧸Andrew Curle:Water Baptism for Forgiveness?
Jeremiah Nortier Is the Doctrine of the Second Baptism of the Holy Spirit Biblical?
James White Reveals the 3 Secrets to Winning Any Debate (Live Interview)
The Book of ACTS | The Ascension
“The Church of Christ” and The Rich Young Ruler
The Binding of SATAN
Practical Apologetics | @Wisdomforthechurch
The Book of ACTS | The Kingdom of God
Does GOD EXIST? @faithbecauseofreason8381
Responding to Hyper-Preterists w/ Dr. Sam Frost @zachdavis3882
What is Truth?
"Church of Christ" deny ORIGINAL SIN
The Ulimate Proof of Creation! w/ Jason Lisle
The Return of Christ | Dalton Chalus
Evangelizing "the Church of Christ"
Next DEBATE CHALLENGE! w/ Trey Fisher
The Book of Acts | John The Baptist
HYPER-Preterist Hangups: Sin Goes On Forever w/ Dr. Stephen Boyce
The TRUTH about the "Church of Christ"! w/ John Anderson
The Book of ACTS | O Theophilus
Official Debate CHALLENGE for @AaronGallagherTV @GBNTV
Debate Review on Justification w/ Dr. Stephen Boyce
Federal Headship w/ David Louis @apologeticsfromtheattic713
Preterism DEBATE | Sam Frost vs Ward Fenley@ncmilive
Interview on BAPTISM w/ @wreckedtoreformedstudios7138
Does BAPTISM now save us? PT.2 w/@theparishreformed @AaronGallagherTV
Does BAPTISM now save us? PT.1 w/@theparishreformed @AaronGallagherTV
EXPOSING The False Religion of the "Church of Christ"!
BAPTISM DEBATE REVIEW | w/ Trey Fisher @theparishreformed PT.2
A Discussion on Full Preterism w/ Sam Frost & Andrew Rappaport @StrivingforEternity
The "Church of Christ" & The Water Baptism Gospel w/ @DrewMouzon
BAPTISM DEBATE REVIEW | w/ Trey Fisher @theparishreformed
Interview on Apologetics! Topics: Sola Scriptura, Cults, Eschatology, & Theonomy w/ @ThetaMinistries
Where's the Love?
My Answers to the Q&A
Debate Review PT.2 | James White vs Leighton Flowers & John 6:44 w/ @AKRichardson
Debate Review PT.1 | James White vs Leighton Flowers & John 6:44 w/ @AKRichardson
Debate Tour REVIEW w/ Dr. James White @AominOrg
Conversations with "Church of Christ" EXILES w/ Lee Anne Ferguson on her book: "Christ Rescued Me!"
Debate Review | James White vs. Jason Breda w/ @apologeticsfromtheattic7131