Raise Godly Sons and Frustrate Feminists at the Same Time! - (Also Some on Aimee Byrd)
AD Robles
The Problem of Calvinism and Social Justice
Christian Social Media Internet Sparring - Comments on Al Mohler and Mask Wearing.
Russell Moore, Al Mohler and Evangelical Impotence
Mask Hysteria - I've Solved the Debate
A Video Against Grace
Paul Tripp Response Part 2 - AD Gets Smooth With Ned Flanders
David French's Political Polytheism versus The Great Commission - AD on FLF Network
Paul Tripp - Woke Cult Recruitment Video
Nick Cannon Vs. the #WokeChurch
Nick Cannon Said Nothing Wrong*
Reasonable Latino Addresses the SECOND Best Social Justice Argument
Jemar Tisby and Dante Stewart Whining on CNN (Fake News)
A Reasonable Latino Addresses the Single Best Social Justice Argument
Woke Christians, CNN and Complaining About Whites
AD's Thoughts on the Southern Seminary Propaganda Videos
Absolute Proof of Evangelical Conspiracy - (Once Again I'm Sorry in Advance)
Reasonable Latino Responds to Goya CEO on Trump
Denny Burk, Aimee Byrd, Matt Hall, Anatomy of a Puff Piece - AD on FLF Network
Hilarious! Racism is Such a Scam (And Some Real Advice From Ole AD)
Aimee Byrd - Aftershow - Crowdsourced Thoughts
Aimee Byrd, Denny Burk and #BigEva Politics
He Thought He Had Me (He Didnt)
What Does Sheep's Clothing Look Like?
#BigEva, Put Away Those Idols. - An Ole AD Rant!
Gospel Coalition Tries Again - Do We Need Online Watchmen?
Gospel Coalition Aftershow - It's More Insidious Than I Let On
The End of Tolerance - The Biblical Solution to the #WokeChurch
Patron Q&A - July 2020
What Happened to Gospel Coalition? Part 2 - Matt Chandler and David Platt
A Biblical Theology of Internet Trolling - AD on FLF Network
Unsolved Mysteries - Jon Harris SHOCK!
SHOCKING Conversation with Phil Vischer on Government
What Happened to Gospel Coalition? - Matt Chandler and David Platt
One More Favor (Funny This Time)
I Need a Favor - My Future on YouTube
A Reasonable Latino Responds to Phil Vischer on Race
Thebonics?! - D.A. Horton You Cant Be Serious
A Reasonable Latino Explains the #WokeChurch Jedi Mind Trick - Ligon Duncan and DA Horton
"Dear AD" - Some Advice For Dealing with the Woke - AD on FLF Network Podcast
I Apologize In Advance - Interpreting the World as an SJW
NASCAR, Bubba Wallace, and the Way of a Christian
Matt Smethurst, Gospel Coalition, Wants You to Be Nicer
Why I Laugh at the Woke (And You Should Too)
The End of Social Justice in Evangelicalism - Total Unbelief
Beth Moore Reveals What She Really Thinks
The #WokeChurch Satanic View of Justice (You're STILL Not Crazy)
Kevin DeYoung Reveals #ThePlan - Culture War for Christians
Shai Linne's Thread on Labels, Social Media, Cancel Culture and More
Louie Giglio Did Nothing Wrong (reupload)
You're Still Not Crazy - Jemar Tisby is Not Your Friend
You're Not Crazy - A Bit More on Matt Chandler's Hot Take
We Did It! and a Teachable Moment with Phillip Holmes (#BigEva Blue Check Guy)
A Reasonable Latino Calmly Responds to Matt Chandler
Message To Adoptive Parents - AD on FLF Network
Hysterical! - J.D. Greear Boldly Declares Black Lives Matter!
Responding to Pushback on the Shai Linne Video
#BigEva Is Trying (and Failing) to Serve Two Masters - Gospel Coalition, ERLC, SBC, PCA
Shai Linne, George Floyd and Me.
Cringegesis: Blacks = The Prodigal Son????