Quantum Particles with Dr. Jason Lisle
Creation Fellowship
Thermodynamics Confirm Creation by Spike Psarris
Who are China's Walking Dead? Kay Rubacek
Noah, what caused the flood? with Brian Lauer
The Galapagos, a new perspective with Dr. Georgia Purdom
Did the Holy Spirit know? with John Harris of Living Waters
Trevor Loudon: Enemies within the Church
The Amazing Eye with Bill Morgan
Noah's Ark and Sodom & Gomorrah Archeological Sites with Pastor Todd Find
Scientific Evidence for Creation with Frank Sherwin
Darwinian Racism with PHD Richard Weikart
Chimp and Human DNA how similar? Helmut Welke
Is this the Planet of the Apes? with Helmut Welke
David Rives: The Wonders of Mathematics, the Universe and Earth Science
Who is God? with Eric Hovind of Creation Today
Ben Price, Apologist and Comedian
Human'isms' vs Christianity
Does morality evolve with Culture
Necessity of a Godly Foundation in Government
Think like a Christian with Eddie Roman
Precepts in Natural Theology
His Star, the real story of the Bethlehem Star
America's Amazing Christian Heritage with Alex Newman
Dead Man Talking Mediums and Necromancy
War of the Worldviews with Frank Sherwin
The Digestive System with Bill Morgan
Aftershocks: Christians Entering an Age of Global Crisis
Mike Riddle Spiritual Warfare
Trio of Triplets with Dr August Rosado
Dr. Sarah Buckland "God's design for the family"
Genesis 3: Eve and the Serpent
Israel and End Time Technologies in Biblical Focus
The Bible, Inspired or Plagiarized?
Old Town Lady Lake, Florida
Revisiting the Ice Age with Carla Estell
Genealogies, why are they important?
The Ice Age with Pastor Stan Bryant
Pharaohs of the Bible Part 2
Exploring the Creation vs Evolution Dilemma
Pharaohs of the Bible
Bill Morgan, Apologist. Could you build a dog Part 2
Dealing with the realities of 2021
Dr Koda talks on healing the natural way
Geology and the Flood Washington State
Dr. Jason Lisle speaks on Logic and Worldview
Bill Morgan. Could you build a dog?
Darwin vs Design with Keaton Halley of CMI
Pray more effectively with Mark Kover
Devices of the Damned Technology in History
Kent Hovid speaks on Dinosaur's and earth's canopy
Brian Young with a new look at the Fall of Man. 'Re-thinking Adam'
Debbie Spencer the Mom Apologist
The Days of Creation with Aaron Kemp
Faith on the Edge! Is the Earth Flat?
Digging up Bones with David Rives
Great is Thy Faithfulness with Pastor Robert J Morgan
One Nation Under God with Mike Riddle
BLM, Inc Compared to Christianity
Could life exist on other planets? John Harris