Discussing New Covenant Theology (while playing Super Mario Bros)
Your Calvinist
Dispensationalism & Covenant Theology (While Playing Super Mario Bros)
A Conversation with Redeemed Zoomer
Quick CWAC with The Honest Youth Pastor
If Top Gun Characters were Churches
Would the KJV Translators Be King James Only?
Did Jesus Really Die on Good Friday?
Can AI (ChatGPT) Pass A Presbyterian Ordination Exam?
Why We Love Podcasting (Conversation with Greg Moore of the DMW Podcast)
If The Princess Bride Characters Were Churches
Should Churches Have Membership Covenants?
2 Pastors and Their Wives Discuss Women Pastors
Interview with Thomas Ross (Following his Debate with James White)
How Jesus Saves Sinners (A Conversation with Author Matthew Everhard)
If Willy Wonka Characters were Churches
If You Could Ask Leighton Flowers One Question (Part 2 of my interview with LF of Soteriology101)
A Provisionist and a Calvinist Discuss Evangelism (A Conversation with Leighton Flowers)
Conference Speaker Interviews (Shadow to Substance Conference)
Do Calvinists Celebrate Lent?
He Gets Nuts (Parody of “He Gets Us”)
Reformed Baptists: Thomism or Biblicism? (A Conversation with James White)
Sweater Vest Dialogue featuring James White and Doug Wilson (Parody)
Reforming FBC Bagdad (Interview with Zachary Cutts)
If Romantic Comedy Characters were Churches (Valentine’s Day special featuring James White)
Is the Jab Dividing the Body?
If Bill Murray Characters were Churches (Part 2)
If Bill Murray Characters were Churches
Is Utopia Coming?
If The Office Characters were Churches
Touching the Evangelical Sacred Cow: The Altar Call
Did the Emergent Church Become Big Eva?
Does the Gospel Really Come with a House Key?
Denominational Jeopardy
Are Calvinists Too Critical?
4 Views on Genesis Chapter 1
Practical Ways to Bless Someone in Need
Can Christians Eat Bacon?
Christmas Variety Show! Scripture, Movies, Music and a Special Giveaway
Should Protestants Affirm the Immaculate Conception?
Is the Virgin Birth an Essential Doctrine?
Stop Twisting Matthew 18:20 (Where two or three are gathered...)
Which Bottled Water is Best?
No Good Churches?
Election 2022 Review and Commentary (Live Podcast)
Are Images of Jesus a Violation of the Second Commandment?
A Short Lesson on Martin Luther
Misconceptions about the Bible: Do We Have the Right Books?
So, You Got into an Online Argument...
Where Does Mark Driscoll Land Regarding Calvinism?
Review of the Textus Receptus Debate between James White and Peter Van Kleeck
Getting the Trinity Right with Dr. Edward Dalcour
Our Journey to Calvinism...and why we're still here!
1 John 2:2 and Limited Atonement
Misconceptions about Calvinists Part 2: Calvinists Eat Babies
How Denominations REALLY Feel About Each Other
Should Christians Read Tolkien?
Crazy Things People Do in Church
Misconceptions about Calvinism (LIVE PODCAST)
A Daily Devotional with DEEP THEOLOGY? Yes! (Interview with Author Will Dobbie)
Would Jesus Steal Hamilton?