F4F | June Prophecy Bingo
Fighting for the Faith
F4F | Debunking Brian Houstons Tongues Error
F4F | A Brief Reality Check About The Chosen
F4F | Joel Osteen Hijacks Isaiah's Prophecy About Jesus
F4F | Remnant Radio Rebuttal
F4F | Proof Troy Black is a False Prophet
F4F | Joshua Holmes Fulfills 2000 Year Old Biblical Prophecy
F4F | Katie Souza Claims She's Been Sworn In as a Judge in the Courts of Heaven
F4F | Your Testimony is NOT the Gospel
F4F | Why You Should NOT Believe Tom Horn's End Times Predictions
F4F | Interview with Phil Johnson RE Prophetic Standards Statement
F4F | Debunking David Herzog Claim That Our Worship Creates Glory Clouds
F4F | May Prophecy Bingo
F4F | The False Deity of the Newly Released Prophetic Standards
F4F | Debunking Andrew Wommack on How to Become a Water Walker
F4F | What God is NOT Saying
F4F | Debunking Progressive Attacks Against Penal Substitution
F4F | Debunking Larry Huch on the Passover
F4F | Debunking Robert Morris Blessed Life Part 2
F4F | Debunking Robert Morris Blessed Life Part 1
F4F | Sorting out the Biblical Covenants
F4F | John Gray Turns John 3:16 into a Tithing Text
F4F | March Prophecy Bingo
F4F | How Progressives Misuse the Lex Talionis to Obliterate Scripture
F4F | How to Spot a Counterfeit Like Troy Brewer
F4F | Trinitarian Take Down of Brandon Tatum
F4F | Fred Price Has His Mt. Carmel Moment
F4F | 2020: The Mount Carmel Moment of the Charismatic Movement
F4F | February Prophecy Bingo
F4F | John Pavlovitz Contradicts Jesus RE: The Scriptures
F4F | The Myth That Christians Can Have Generational Curses
F4F | Keith Craft's Counterfeit Words From God
F4F | Trump Prophecy Goat Rodeo
F4F | Your Biggest Year Yet?
F4F | 2021 Prophecy Bingo
F4F | Interview with Will Weedon
F4F | Charismatics Justifying Blasphemy
F4F | Awful Christmas Sermon "Fear Not"
F4F | Body, Soul and Spirit?
F4F | Hearing the Voice of God - The Loose Ends
F4F | Hearing the Voice of God Part 2
F4F | Hearing the Voice of God Part 1
F4F | Announcement RE: The Podcast
F4F | December Prophecy Bingo
F4F | Is Christmas Sinful to Celebrate?!
F4F | Katie Souza's Three Steps to Get Miracles While You Sleep
Is Michael Brown Imparting Demons?
F4F | Think Along RE: The Spirit of Truth
F4F | Rebuked by KJV Only Conspiracy Theorists
F4F | Time to Drain the Charismatic Swamp
F4F | James Prasch's Birth Certificate Proves He Lied
F4F | Will the Real Pharisee Please Stand Up?
F4F | Winston Churchill on Bethel's Covid Explosion
F4F | Todd White Does NOT Understand the Hypostatic Union
F4F | October Prophecy Bingo
F4F | Patricia King How to Operate in Power Portals
F4F | Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry has 123 Confirmed Cases of Covid
F4F | David E. Taylor Brings Jesus onto the Stage?
F4F | Perry Stone: Full Mental Alchemist
F4F | Jonathan Cahn: Harbinger 2